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Mormon Schools Offering Certificates

Offered In
Certificates of computer, teacher education, and medical and 11 more majors are offered by 4 Mormon schools in 3 states. The most Mormon schools offering certificates are located in Utah (2 schools), Arizona (1 school), and Hawaii (1 school).

The best Mormon certificate programs in the United States are offered by Utah Tech University. That school has a great Mormon certificate program - three-star rating for curriculum and five-star rating for teaching.

Below, there is ranking of the best four Mormon schools awarding certificates. To learn about all Mormon colleges offering certificates, narrow your search by state or major.

Top 4 Mormon certificate programs:

Utah Tech University - Mormon School Ranking
1. Utah Tech University

Saint George, UT, 2 certificate programs

Brigham Young University Hawaii - Mormon School Ranking
2. Brigham Young University Hawaii

Laie, HI, 6 certificate programs

Snow College - Mormon School Ranking
3. Snow College

Ephraim, UT, 10 certificate programs

Eastern Arizona College - Mormon School Ranking
4. Eastern Arizona College

Thatcher, AZ, 11 certificate programs

Mormon certificates by state:

Schools by State1 Mormon Certificate Schools in Arizona2 Mormon Certificate Schools in Utah

Mormon certificates by major:

Agriculture: 1 Mormon school
Beauty: 2 Mormon schools
Business: 3 Mormon schools
Computer: 2 Mormon schools
Construction: 1 Mormon school
Education: 1 Mormon school
Engineering: 1 Mormon school
Management: 2 Mormon schools
Mechanic: 2 Mormon schools
Medical: 3 Mormon schools
Nursing: 1 Mormon school
Pharmacy: 1 Mormon school
Psychology: 1 Mormon school
Secretary: 1 Mormon school

Other Mormon diplomas:

Associate's Degrees: 6 Mormon schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 7 Mormon schools
Master's Degrees: 2 Mormon schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 Mormon school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology