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Mormon Arts Schools in the West

In 2024, we reviewed 7 Mormon schools offering art majors in Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, and Utah.

Our team ranks Brigham Young University (Provo, UT), Brigham Young University Idaho (Rexburg, ID), and Utah Tech University (Saint George, UT) the best three arts Mormon schools in the West.

See the best 7 Mormon arts schools in the West below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the West.

Top 7 Mormon arts schools in the West:

Brigham Young University - Mormon School Ranking
1. Brigham Young University

Provo, UT, 25 arts programs

Brigham Young University Idaho - Mormon School Ranking
2. Brigham Young University Idaho

Rexburg, ID, 5 arts programs

Utah Tech University - Mormon School Ranking
3. Utah Tech University

Saint George, UT, 5 arts programs

Brigham Young University Hawaii - Mormon School Ranking
4. Brigham Young University Hawaii

Laie, HI, 8 arts programs

Snow College - Mormon School Ranking
5. Snow College

Ephraim, UT, 3 arts programs

Ensign College - Mormon School Ranking
6. Ensign College

Salt Lake City, UT, 1 arts program

Eastern Arizona College - Mormon School Ranking
7. Eastern Arizona College

Thatcher, AZ, 4 arts programs

Mormon arts schools in the West by state:

Schools by State1 Mormon Arts Schools in Arizona1 Mormon Arts Schools in Idaho4 Mormon Arts Schools in Utah

Mormon arts schools in other regions:

South: 1 Mormon school
Southeast: 1 Mormon school

Popular Mormon school cities in the West:

in Arizona:
Thatcher: 1 Mormon school
in Hawaii:
Laie: 1 Mormon school
in Idaho:
Rexburg: 1 Mormon school
in Utah:
Ephraim: 1 Mormon school
Provo: 1 Mormon school
Saint George: 1 Mormon school
Salt Lake City: 1 Mormon school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology